Friday, May 24, 2013

The Secret of Contentment

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13

If I were to embrace one goal in this life, it would be 'to be content in any and every situation,' through Jesus Christ, as this scripture reads. For to see whatever adversity that occurs in your life as blessing and privilege is to truly embrace the cross of Jesus Christ. It is to deeply believe Romans 8:28 >  "All things work for good for those who love God, and are called according to His purpose."

When you view adversity as simply part of God's plan while embarking on this journey with your full focus on Jesus, you are far better able to accept all that comes and goes in this life. Your impoverished childhood can be seen as a valuable training time for working with the poor later in adult life. Infirmity becomes a time for learning empathy and compassion for others. As you grow in compassion for others in crisis and in need, memories of your own personal tragedies begin to fade, eventually becoming the foundation for your own outreach ministry.

Moreover, as you pray and thank Jesus, praising Him for saving you by airlifting you through your darkest days, you are able to see His Almighty power as Wonderful Counselor, Tireless Comforter, the Great Healer, Omnipotent Protector and Savior working in your life. The divine outcome of praising the Lord is an unleashing of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which prepares you to rejoice and share Him with others in your life, regardless of your situation.

May you be profoundly blest with prayers of praise, and subsequent contentment in every circumstance!

                                                   Adele M. Gill  2013  Copyright

1 comment:

  1. This just in from reader Carol Calvert:
    God is amazing! When I look back on my life I see His hand guiding me along to where I am today. I may not understand everything but I do see that He has brought good out of my weaknesses as I've walked in His ways. And I expect Him to be there holding my hand all the way.
