Friday, August 23, 2013

Beating All the Odds

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Life is full of surprises, unpredictable,and can, sometimes, even be overwhelming. Yet when your inner foundation is in Jesus Christ, the waves of the ocean of life will ebb and tide, but there is nothing to fear, as he carries you safely on His shoulders through uncharted waters.

Like you, when I am "prayed up," steeped in prayer, and striving with peace in my soul and with Jesus close at my side, I am confident like no other time. I can see the positive possibilities and envision beating all worldly odds. I can take tough medical news, and face the future with peace in my heart, with sublime confidence that all is well.

By the grace of God, Jesus gives each of us the necessary strength to figuratively hop hurdles of 'what ifs' and hike mountains of fear to reach to the heights to proclaim the Lord's Good News for the glory of God in word and print. All the while feeling ever so blest, while walking in His Light, it is possible to envision healing in my mind for myself and others, to pray for those in most need of His love and mercy. And that would be all of us!!!

For when you believe that your strength comes from Jesus, and that He is with you until the end of time, your life is never again the same... Infirmity is but a passing annoyance, and life's difficulties fade in comparison with His great love! / amg
Adele M. Gill 2013  Copyright

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