"Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will act." Psalm 37:5
By Adele M. Gill
trust in Him and He will act." Psalm 37:5
By Adele M. Gill
Trust. It's such a tiny, nondescript word with significant power and huge ramifications!
As you know, over the past 2 months since the end of August, I have been trusting in God for a miracle. Having spent the past 4 months in a wheelchair(May to September) has only solidified my efforts to pray for a full healing for myself, without back pedaling and taking my trust back as I sometimes do. For those of you who have joined me in this prayer, I am eternally grateful. This radical act of faith is proving to be fruitful, and I am eager to share with you what is evolving here, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Sure, some days are better than others, but I am holding onto the above Scripture with all the strength I can muster. I was able to put away my wheelchair just 3 weeks into this adventure, and am between the cane and walker now for mobility! With prayer and exercise alone, my respiratory muscles are getting stronger by the week, and I am now able to drive again, do a full grocery shop alone, and am even able to take yoga twice a week! The fact is, I have been taking baby steps and have fully committed my way to the Lord. I trust in Him that He is walking with me shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and He is acting on my behalf! Hallelujah...Oh happy day!
We hear about and reference trust so often in our daily life. Certainly it is central in relationships, at work, and especially with friends and family. Even people with what is commonly called 'trust issues,' and I am one, find that we all need to trust in someone or something at various intervals and times in this life. It's just a part of life. Children need to trust their parents to provide for them. Seniors need to trust their bodies will hold up after decades of use. We all need to trust the bank will keep our money safe.
Not sure why, but trust does not come easy for many of us, myself included. It is only natural to feel let down at times when our trust goes awry. In our humanness, our efforts to trust others are sometimes derailed and we are left stranded or bereft or holding the proverbial bag, so to speak. Sometimes trust is breached by others, but sometimes, we ourselves are to blame. Perhaps we are impatient and lacking in patience and perseverance to see a situation through. Or maybe we are limited in our ability to recognize trustworthiness in others. And sometimes plans just fall through, which is why I always like to have a backup plan at all times.
The blessed truth about trust is that God is the only one we can trust with 100% surety. He is the only one who is really trustworthy all the time. We can rest assured that whatever we bring him in prayer from the depths of our hearts, He will work out for the good in His own special time, and way as only He can. And to that end, His trustworthiness is miles above that of others.
For when we place our needs before our triune-God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, trusting in His Omnipotence, mercy and grace, we can truly walk away from the need for hyper-vigilance. In my case, I am simply enjoying the strength He sends each day, while believing it is sufficient for me.
There is no other time in life when we can so fully trust another as in heartfelt prayer. Our trust is manifold, as we are able to trust God will do even more than we asked of Him. He will bring it all to fruition in the most blessed ways, leaving behind hearts filled with gratitude.
Yes, my heart leaps for what God is doing here in my life; and I pray you will be able to see what He is doing in yours, as well. I can only say, 'trust God, and He will bring it for you, splendidly acting on your behalf.'
Adele M. Gill | Copyright 2015
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