Monday, June 18, 2018

Bless It or Block It

Greetings from Adele's Inspiration Cafe blog!
Today's post:

Bless It or Block It

‘The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. James 5:16

Sometimes we can go it alone, yet other times we need God’s help to face or meet the many challenges that arise in our every daily lives. It is the trusting belief that ‘God’s got this,’ that can make the difference between failure and success, sinking in times of difficulty or tragedy or staying afloat, or just being able to cope. In essence, life happens as it will, but how we respond to every circumstance is a choice…

I think many of us wait until times are dire before eliciting God’s help. Yet, turning to Him in anticipation of trials, great and small, reaps great benefits, and awe-inspiring outcomes. When we pray fervently, and with confidence, placing our cares in God’s hands trusting that all will go well, we are far more prepared for whatever is to come. We are able to hold God’s hand through turbulent storm, turning to Him as the living God who is with us in every circumstance.

Though we are all unworthy sinners, God loves each of us profoundly beyond our comprehension. Striving souls—those who choose to try to follow God’s ways and lead—are the greatest recipients of God’s promises. For God is a generous, loving God of surprises for those who seek Him with all their hearts. He can and will turn every situation for the good for those who seek Him in earnest. An “If and then God,’ He is there for us even and especially when we falter or are hurting and broken. In Holy Scripture He often says if you do such and such, I will do such and such for you. If you humble yourselves, I will bless you. Sometimes we need to pray and step aside so He can do His finest work on our behalf without our interference.

Though fervent prayer does not demand eloquent speech, it is so powerful that it is not to be entered into casually. Instead, we need to specifically and prayerfully ask for whatever we need, and praise Him while we wait for Him to work it all out for the good. Fervent prayer involves praying with humility, sincerity, and confidence with the understanding that God will, one way or another, move on your behalf.

I often pray, “Bless it or block it,” deferring to, and accepting, what transpires from our loving, kind, and merciful God. Like most people, in my humanness, sometimes I am tempted to pray only to ‘take it back’ so to speak, and try to work things out my own way, all to no avail. However, I have found that it is much better to pray and steadfastly depend on God’s almighty, omnipotent, holy intercession. God’s compassion is boundless and unprecedented—and worthy of praise—the cornerstone of fervent prayer!
© Copyright 2018   |   Adele M. Gill

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