Tuesday, January 29, 2019

PART I: The New York Travesty

Life and Motherhood Begin at Conception

The Reproductive Health Act abortion bill was just passed by New York legislators. To the dismay of many, this ‘progressive’ state legislation went through on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, on the 46th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, which, in 1973, legalized abortion in the U.S. Tragically, it sets a precedent that will be hard to reverse as time goes on and it catches on in other states and countries. When will we finally come to understand what science and DNA have already proven: Human life and motherhood both begin at conception?

The Reproductive Health Act, the bill passed in New York this past week is a travesty, one which endangers the lives of both vulnerable pregnant women, and pre-born babies, alike. However, according to its name, it is a misnomer. Abortion is, in actuality, an all-out assault on human life that is not about healthcare at all, as it is not health ‘care,’ For decades medical practitioners have taken the Hippocratic Oath, ‘do no harm.’ Nor is abortion ‘just politics’ as many suggest with conventional wisdom, like religion, both topics that ‘should not be discussed.’ Rather, abortion is a life and death moral and legal issue, one relating to end of life decisions, worthy of civil discourse.

What Makes This Legislation Different
The Reproductive Health Act is being proudly hailed by some people who think it is ok to take the life of a pre-born baby up until birth. It also allows for anyone to perform an abortion rather than a skilled physicians. This new legislation allows non-physicians to perform abortions in New York—people with little or no training or experience or any connection to medical facilities in the event that emergent care is needed for botched abortions, once again, endangering vulnerable women.

A direct assault on women and unborn babies, this bill was passed by NY legislators with great celebration and revelry. Even prominent building structures across New York City were lit up in pink to celebrate the passage of this bill. Historically, if someone were to kill a newborn, they would go to jail for murder. Apparently that has all changed in New York through this legislation. So where is the line? Where is the difference between that and aborting an innocent preborn baby?  

With 63 million pre-born babies aborted in the U.S. via the abortion industry since Roe vs Wade legalized abortion in 1973, abortion is big business—and involves a lot of money. The tenets of Judeo-Christian beliefs support human life from conception to natural death. Biblically, morally, and legally, no one has the right to end a human life, especially including the abortion of preborn babies. No one has the right to take the life of another, much less based on race, gender, birth defects, like Down Syndrome,  or even inconvenience, all things that Margaret Sanger taught when she started Planned Parenthood. One can only ask this question: Is this the gateway to assisted suicide of those who are unwanted or imperfect? What will the consequences of such depravity?
Ideological Contagion
The Reproductive Health Act is beyond immoral, preying on vulnerable women and destroying unborn babies lives in the name of women’s rights is reprehensible. Vermont, California, and New Mexico recently announced that they are already on a similar path. We have just opened the proverbial floodgates and it makes one wonder. If humanity has lost its moral compass, what will happen next?

© Copyright 2019   |   Adele M. Gill, RN, BSN, CPC 

[PART II coming soon]
Chaplain Adele M. Gill, RN, BSN, ABDA is author of 3 books including “From Broken to Blest: Embracing the Healing that Awaits You,’ written with Dr. Verna Benner Carson. From Broken to Blest is now available on Amazon and at Barnes at Noble in print, Nook & Kindle versions. For more info:  https://amzn.to/2pNt9Sk

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