Saturday, October 12, 2013

Revealing Revelations

9 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."   Romans 10:9 / NIV


In a way, it is hard to look around us today, and not be reminded of Revelation 13, and Revelation 18, found in the last few pages of the Bible, as these are extremely tumultuous times. Wherever would Christians be without the Bible and Eternal faith in Our Lord, Jesus Christ?

The US government is [hopefully temporarily] shutdown with even public places on lock down/lock out from visitors at such places as the World War II Memorial and the White House. Healthcare is being compromised on the horizon by the unwelcome insertion of a 'new ideology' including health care rationing, death panels in some states, and major breeches of medical confidentiality. America is incredibly in debt to other countries, like China, beyond comparison of any other time in history. In fact, with no end in sight,  our economy appears to be on the brink of disaster. Long established and historical laws and policies are being ignored, and there is absolute mayhem in Congress, as even The Constitution and the 10 Commandments are harshly debated and minimized and overridden. One must only watch the news to see that violence is rampant in our nation, the American family is becoming passe, and being replaced by "alternative lifestyles" in opposition to Biblical teaching. Nuclear and chemical terrorist threats abound, and life as we have known it may soon be a cherished memory.

Good News!

Oddly enough, for Christians, the present, and the future, are rather bright. Though we wade through all the same worldly chaos that surrounds us all, we hold on to Jesus promises: "I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life...No one goes to the Father but through Me," we know that Jesus Christ is the key to enduring this life, while anticipating the next, also known as Eternal Life.

Despite challenging and difficult circumstances, believing Christians are privileged to look ahead through the God given gift of eyes of faith and Scripture. As "The Lord is my strength!" [Nehemiah] echoes in  the souls of believers all over the world, confident in their salvation, there are yet 2 other songs that ring out... "Prepare Thee the Way of the Lord!" and "Amazing Grace." The grace of the Lord really is amazing and awe-inspiring, especially from the first hour a lost soul believes! Fear or Faith...The choice is yours and mine alone. But the two can not coexist...

                                                 Adele M. Gill  2013  Copyright

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