"I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me."
Thanksgiving has arrived, for most, bringing great memories of roast turkey, pumpkin pie and all the rest from this special day in years past. With the traditional fire in the fireplace, and holiday songs playing via Pandora, it can all seem so picturesque for so many. In fact, we even had flurries this afternoon!
This year, this season of gratitude, for me, translates into one of remembering amazing and abundant blessings and awe provided by God to my family and friends and me, and the world, through the unparalled generosity of God.
For beyond the rekindling of warm relationships, and festive spreads, I know with all my heart this Thanksgiving that God has provided every good thing for you and for me and our loved ones.
If it is good, peace-filled, and life-giving, you can trust with confidence that it is from the Lord.
All that I am, all that I have, all that I am able to do belongs to the Lord! Hallelujah! In this way, even my contracturing, withering hands, my intermittently blurred vision, and being on a bipap respirator 14+ hours per day cannot detour the privilege to sing Jesus' praises in print. For it is all blessing~ nothing short of a blessed gift from above!
My heart leaps with joy at the very thought of all that Jesus has done for me and my loved ones, and all He is doing in my life. And I am at peace, with the sublime joy of gratitude, this cold, wintery night, this Thanksgiving Eve...
Adele M. Gill 2013 Copyright
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