"Blessed be the God ... who gives every possible encouragement; 4 he supports us in every hardship, so that we are able to come to the support of others, in every hardship of theirs because of the encouragement that we ourselves receive from God." 2 Corinthians 1:1-7
I don't know about you, but i am a big proponent of both prayer, and giving credit where credit is due. For me, it only seems natural to praise God on high for all His mighty blessings. What some may call coincidence, I generally attribute to Jesus Christ--The Living God.
Surely we have all heard that kindness begets kindness, but for followers of Jesus Christ, faith, kindness and encouragement are at the very core of our personal calling for each of us. Actually, kindness begets holiness. For to try to lighten the load of another is the definition of holiness.
When you have an epiphany and/or take the time to realize what the Lord has freely done for you and your loved ones--That He died on the cross for your sins and mine, and rose on the third day, and it is truly a time to rejoice!
We rejoice not because he gave us our way through prayer, but because of the depth of Jesus' unconditional love manifested in His sublime kindness and mercy on a daily basis. And it gets even better...In as much as we are able to embrace the extent of His Holy Love, it is only natural to pass this mercy and kindness on to others who need it from us.
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